Rodinný dom for sale, Kolónia Hviezda, Martin
We offer rodinný dom for sale. Property is the partial reconstruction. Stavba is located in a quiet location. The property is located near the beautiful nature, place for tourism. Area of land is 1481 m2. Current use of property is permanent housing. The property is located on the plain. Possibilities of using property are permanent housing. Stavba is in private ownership. The windows are wooden. There is cellar, terrace, x bathroom, WC, larder, brick core, garden, internal hearth, garage. Age of structure isless than 30 years. The building is constructed mostly of brick. Energy Rating Certificate: not available To increase comfort, there is cable TV, internet access Land is fenced. Property is partially furnished. The building... g was approved in the 1995. The building has six rooms. The house is brick. This is a stand-alone building. The plot is set up water connection. The land is introduced gas connection. Properties connected to sewer. The building has two floors.
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